Sacred Geometry

Behind the veil of the visible world, a matrix of divine proportions and underlying grids plot the mathematics of biology, space and time. 

One and Many by Allyson Grey, 1987

One and Many by Allyson Grey, 1987

Study and draw the basic Sacred Geometric forms, counting from one to six. Demonstrating the principle of sacred geometry woven into natural forms will show how the golden section and fibonacci sequence is detectable in flowers, growing plants and living creatures. 

The One-sided sacred geometric form is a perfect sphere, in two dimensions it is a circle, the symbol of Spirit’s wholeness.  

Image by User Spikeballs.

The Vesica Piscis is the two sided sacred geometric shape and is associated with the divine feminine. The Vesica was used as a proportional guide for many cathedrals in Europe.  

The upward pointing Triangle is a symbol of trinity, of fire and the mind. 

Eightcirclestheorem / CC BY-SA (

The square is a symbol of matter, solidity, and the four elements.  

GNU Free Documentation License

The pentagon is connected with the golden ratio and is related to the anatomical human form with five projections, head, arms & legs.  

The hexagon is the underlying foundation of crystals, is seen in the bees hive, and is the center of the flower of life.  

Exploring the meaning and craft of contemplative drawing on paper with compass and straight-edge.  Recommended are a sketch pad (11″ x 14″), a good compass and metal cork back ruler.

Human Geometry by Alex Grey, 2007

Human Geometry by Alex Grey, 2007

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CoSM, Chapel of Sacred Mirrors is a church and a 501(c)(3) organization, supported by charitable donations from the community.
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